On the days where I can’t get to the pool, I try to go for a walk. A few times this week I hooked up with my sister and we walked for an hour. I’m a country walker. She’s a city walker. . I would much rather walk on the trails in the bush. She would much rather walk the concrete and the lakeside boardwalk.
I don’t mind this once in a while but I often don’t agree with how man keeps tampering with nature or insists on rearranging the landscape plus after a while one building pretty much looks like another. And then there’s the traffic buzzing by, (not to mention all the slimy globs on the sidewalks one runs into, but don’t get me started on that)……………… Too late. I’m on it.
Disgusting! Absolutely disgusting. People feeling the need to clear their throats and sinuses, this I can understand. Feeling the need to send the results of this clearing flying into the air and landing on the sidewalk, this I don’t understand.
Unless one keeps their eyes peeled to the ground in order to side-step these brain-drain atrocities, it’s only a matter of time before you step right smack into the middle of one. Hopefully that’s not the day you chose to wear your brand spanking new aerodynamic sneakers instead of your old worn out ones. Coming across one of those huge wads of green and yellow gooey phlegm ball people hack up is not only disgusting, but downright rude and revolting.
What’s with that? Is there some kind of Face Book sign in page where people go to brag about this kind of stuff? “Oh yeah man, I landed a few prize ones today - big juicy, slimy multicolored ones.”
I mean really!
If it’s not Face Book, then maybe some dumb twit is passing the word around on Tweeter. Hell, I wouldn’t even be surprised if the next thing we know someone uploads a video on You Tube of these disgusting spit globs, that adorn our walks.

Agree with you there, Annette. I don't get it either. Some cities have bylaws against spitting; maybe you should get busy with Kelowna's city council and see what can be done. It's unsanitary as well as disgusting.
Once when we were coming out of a restaurant in Calgary we saw a group of 4 teenagers standing in a circle all spitting into one pile over and over again. After they got a few glares they ran away. Quite a strange and gross thing to do indeed.
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