What I’ve discovered over time, is that there’s not much point in asking if I’m too busy to listen which is what happens when I’m running around “doing” life. Then it takes nothing short of a 2X4 across the knees to make me stop and pay attention. It’s much easier and a lot less painful to slow down and pay attention.
The way I’ve trained myself to do that is to come to the page and just be. When I sit down to write it’s like opening the door, inviting the voice of my heart to come in. It’s allowing this voice to speak up and be heard.
I can’t hear anything when I’m busy jogging around the block of life not taking the time to breath. But when I allow myself to sit in the empty spaces and I open my heart and my ears, I can hear the voice and the messages it brings.
1 comment:
I love the picture you used for this post!
I have learned the same thing about the Universe. The answers always come but not always in the form that I might expect. So I've learned to be attached to no particular outcome. Whatever answer I get, I know it's the best one for me.
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