Monday, February 28, 2011

Tea Anyone?

My pool pass expired today. It was only good for the month of February. I’m debating if I should purchase one for the month of March or not.

Today it looked like spring was trying to poke its head around the corner. When the sun comes out and the weather becomes warmer, I can go out in the fresh air and feel life pour into me like a hot cup of tea. When I don’t see the sun or I don’t go outside, going to the pool seems to trick my mind into thinking its summer.

Speaking about a hot cup of tea. I'm sipping on one at the moment. It’s a good thing Andree is not here to see it though. Not that she cares, if or when, I drink tea, but what she might care about, is that I’m drinking my tea out of her one and only favorite coffee cup.

I suppose that might be like her using my journal to write her grocery list. There are some things one should just NOT do.


Unknown said...

uh're gonna be in big trouble!

Blondi Blathers said...

You will have to tell her it makes you feel close to her, while she's away! (Hey, I didn't take Sweettalkin' 101 at university for nothin'!).

Paula said...

So are you using it because you miss her or are you using it because your naughty inner child has come out to play? :-)

Annette said...

To be quite honest, I think it's a little bit of both Paula.

Sweettalkin' 101 - would you be teaching that course by any chance Kate?

Trouble? Me?

Thanks for dropping by guys. Much appreciated.