Adoption is a big thing – even the four legged kind. Perhaps nowhere is that more true than with the adoption of this “Big Moose,” (the name I gave her), which my daughter and her husband took in.
Clover, (her real name), a 100 and some pound Chesapeake dog, which they took in as a pup had to have not only one, but two knee surgeries to fix a problem which, unbeknown to them, is apparently common in that breed of dog. So many sore muscles (theirs and hers), a lot of patience (theirs and hers), and several thousand dollars later (theirs), Clover now runs and plays and swims every day.
This puppy, which had been dumped in the streets, perhaps because of her defective legs, was taken into the SPCA. When my daughter and her husband visited she stole their heart and it wasn’t long before the adoption papers were signed. Many tag wagging whips of the tail and slobbering kisses later, they became a happy family, up in their third floor walk-up condo!
Ahhh… perhaps you understand, the rest of the story - third floor walk-up condo, two knee surgeries, 100 lb dog, no place to go to do business. Hence it is that for about a month, not only once, but twice in two years, James was the name of the game. As regular as clock work, early in the morning, mid-day, and a couple of times at night, James hefted this beast into an arm-lock embrace against his chest and carried her up and down three flights of stairs so she could go outside to relief herself.
Brenda, who weighs less than the dog does, and who is a Clinical Herbalist and Natural Health Practitioner, did her part in nursing Clover back to health by spending the first few nights sleeping next to her on the floor and giving her some Reiki. She also, regular as clockwork, gave her all the herbal medicine that she could possibly think of to help her have a speedy recovery. (Who else but a Clinical Herbalist would name a dog Clover?)
So now, tell me, don’t you think they deserve to win this Whistler Happy Tails contest they entered their dog in? There will be one winner chosen out of all the pets adopted through the shelter and the winner apparently is up for a substantial prize package. Since I am sometimes, reluctantly referred to as grandma to this Moose, (who presently has her photo and bio in the Whistler paper), I thought I’d see what I could do to help them spread the word and get some votes in.
It’s easy as pie. All you have to do is send an email to saying you vote for Clover! It’s a way to keep paying forward these kinds of heart-warming stories. Don’t you think? Thanks for voting for Clover!
Clover, (her real name), a 100 and some pound Chesapeake dog, which they took in as a pup had to have not only one, but two knee surgeries to fix a problem which, unbeknown to them, is apparently common in that breed of dog. So many sore muscles (theirs and hers), a lot of patience (theirs and hers), and several thousand dollars later (theirs), Clover now runs and plays and swims every day.
This puppy, which had been dumped in the streets, perhaps because of her defective legs, was taken into the SPCA. When my daughter and her husband visited she stole their heart and it wasn’t long before the adoption papers were signed. Many tag wagging whips of the tail and slobbering kisses later, they became a happy family, up in their third floor walk-up condo!
Ahhh… perhaps you understand, the rest of the story - third floor walk-up condo, two knee surgeries, 100 lb dog, no place to go to do business. Hence it is that for about a month, not only once, but twice in two years, James was the name of the game. As regular as clock work, early in the morning, mid-day, and a couple of times at night, James hefted this beast into an arm-lock embrace against his chest and carried her up and down three flights of stairs so she could go outside to relief herself.
Brenda, who weighs less than the dog does, and who is a Clinical Herbalist and Natural Health Practitioner, did her part in nursing Clover back to health by spending the first few nights sleeping next to her on the floor and giving her some Reiki. She also, regular as clockwork, gave her all the herbal medicine that she could possibly think of to help her have a speedy recovery. (Who else but a Clinical Herbalist would name a dog Clover?)
So now, tell me, don’t you think they deserve to win this Whistler Happy Tails contest they entered their dog in? There will be one winner chosen out of all the pets adopted through the shelter and the winner apparently is up for a substantial prize package. Since I am sometimes, reluctantly referred to as grandma to this Moose, (who presently has her photo and bio in the Whistler paper), I thought I’d see what I could do to help them spread the word and get some votes in.
It’s easy as pie. All you have to do is send an email to saying you vote for Clover! It’s a way to keep paying forward these kinds of heart-warming stories. Don’t you think? Thanks for voting for Clover!

Awww...thanks mom! That's awesome. The photo of her in the paper is the one wearing that cracker hat from Christmas! Isn't she cute! Thanks to anyone who votes!
Done!! I am actually just on my way out the door to go to the SPCA and walk some dogs and clean up the gardens!!
love always,
Phillis xoxoxoxo
I have no idea how many times I can vote but will keep doing it randomly while waiting patiently for the good news winner wise.
Lucky pup and family! Big hugs with blessings for each.
Voting can only be done once. I can let you all know on Thursday if she was the winner! :)
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