Some of it might have to do with heading down the last half of my life and time has a whole different meaning than it once had. Maybe it also has to do with slowing down which I’m sure has nothing to do with age, (or at least I like to think so), but more to do with wanting to savor every moment for what it is. However, what I’ve come to realize, is that the biggest part, bigger than all of that, is that the real thief is love.
I can just see you, scratching your head and going, huh? She’s not only getting older she’s going senile. I’m not though. At least I don’t think so. Let me explain.
I lose track of time. Not because I’m losing my mind but because I let go of my mind and grab onto what I love, and when I grab onto what I love, time ceases to exist. I enter that time warp I was talking about. It’s like having a new lover and everything else goes on the back burner.
You know what I’m talking about: that time period where all that matters is this new love. You have the occasional thought about other things you need to look after and do, but you brush them aside knowing that somehow you’ll find a way to deal with them later, and the only thing that matters is the love in your arms. It’s that period where you go within and time on the outside stands still, (or so you think), that’s the time warp I’m talking about.
So that’s why I show up here and it’s a couple of weeks later when in my head, in some weird sort of way, it should only be a couple of days later. It’s because I’ve been spending time with my new love – the love of writing. Alright, maybe not entirely new, but new in the sense that I’ve got a bigger, bolder, brighter, commitment to what is fast developing into a life-long love affair.
So this is what happened. I’ve been writing my little heart out, enjoying every passionate minute of it, letting it transport me into this time warp zone where I temporarily forget about reality. I go there every day now. I sit and I allow myself to get sucked in and when I’m there, I pull words down and drop them on the page. Eventually I come out of this altered state of consciousness but not before I feel spent and emptied like after a night of wild passionate lovemaking.
Oh, the joys of living in the Okanagan with all the fresh fruits. Except for the bananas these are all local - plus there are cherries, apricots, and different kinds of plums, and now it's the grapes. There's nothing like them when fresh off the vine. Love those - my passion fruit!
1 comment:
I had to chuckle when you said it isn't because we're getting older. Last week I watched Einstein and Eddington on TV and was paying close attention to Einstein's theory of relativity and I could swear that one way of explaining it was that time speeds up when an object slows down. Following this logic, as I get older and slow down some (which I have), it makes good sense that time seems to be going by faster!
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