Saturday, June 12, 2010

Driving Miss Daisy

......that’s what I’ve been up to in between my own doings. Miss Daisy, aka Andree, broke her glasses last Wednesday which means it’s better for all concerned if she sits in the passenger seat. Not being able to read a street sign until it’s above your head is a little too risky to be behind the wheel.

Looks like I’m the designated chauffeur for a while since an attempt to fix the glasses resulted in a broken lens, an eye exam can’t be had until Tuesday, and who knows how long it will take for the glasses to be ready after that. Yep, I’m gonna be driving Miss Daisy for a while yet.

The temperature reached a nice 28 degrees today (82.4F). There’s more of the same coming tomorrow. People were out in hordes wanting to soak in the rays. Beaches were packed and so were the parks as we soon discovered, so off we went to do a nature walk in a less frequented place called Wood Haven Park. After that we found ourselves an awesome little secluded spot by a creek under a canopy of cedar and pine trees where we sat, read, wrote, munched on some snacks, picked some rocks and relaxed. A perfect day I’d say.


Anonymous said...

As I recall "Miss Daisy" and her driver were in good company with each other.
Sorry about the glasses Andre. Been there done that when trying to drive & work! NO FUN AT ALL.
Have you thought about a drug store pair to hold you over until yours are ready? They are not the best but will do in a pinch.
Is that Woodpecker holes I am seeing in your tree picture Annette? Sure looks like it from here anyway.
Beautiful, delicate, lavender wildflower. Kinda Daisy looking itself.
Sorry the tourist are EVERYWHERE but that seems to be what us Yanks do best this time of year! Being a pain comes natural everywhere this time of year.
Good week to all

Paula said...

What a GREAT park, Annette!! The photos are mouth watering! I love the curved tree in Andree's picture. I love the picture of Andree, too! It looks like a perfect advertisement for hiking!

Enjoy your nice weather. Unfortunately here, in Georgia, along with the higher temps comes higher humidity and makes being outside something one just does not want to do.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a very nice day to me. Especailly the place you found to sit and relax. Beautiful pictures also. Too bad about the glasses though.