Sunday, May 16, 2010

Baby Talk

Hi. My name is Carys. I'm going to be six months old this week. I'm having so much fun already, I can't wait to see what life will continue to bring.

I'm too little to write yet but grandma said she would teach me as soon as I'm old enough to hold a crayon and a journal. She said it's the best thing I can learn to do.

I talked to grandma the other night and that's when she told me this. Mom held this thing to my ear and I could hear grandma in there. I made some noise back at her and it seemed to make grandma happy so grandma kept talking and I kept making noises.

That's when grandma told me that since I can't write yet she would write a few words for me on her blog. I don't know what that is but I'm sure I'll find out one day soon. There's new things happening every day around here.

Wow! Now, that looks interesting. I wonder if I'm supposed to eat it?

Ugh, yuck! I don't think so! Maybe I'm suppose to wear it then.

Well, it feels better than it tastes but it sure would be nice to get cleaned up now.

Ahh.... that feels so much better! Do you like my shirt?


Jody said...

So that's what the two of you were talking about the other night! I should have known it was about writing. She'll be lucky to have you teach her! Loved the story...made me teary!

Anonymous said...

I love the shirt!!! So sweet of you to write to her for her. She will be very impressed one day.

love always,
Phillis oxxoxoxoxo

Blondi Blathers said...

Beautiful little girl and I love her name.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT! What a charmer. Her little "taste tester" face is precious.I love it when they respond to us over the phone. (;-)
Thank you for sharing this time with us........
