Sometimes I wish the only thing I would have to concern myself with is offering this service to those in need. I wish I wouldn’t have to be concerned about making a living myself. I’d like to make those kinds of services available to all the people who would like to take advantage of it but can’t.
One good thing about working for FCSS (Family & Community Support Services) in Alberta was that my services were offered to the community for free, or for very minimal fees. The municipal and provincial government covered my wage so I didn’t have to worry about the earning a living part.
There are lots of advantages in owning my own business but my services not being as accessible to people, is one of the biggest disadvantages. If I should win a lottery one day, what I would do is open a Women’s Center were counselling services were made available for those who needed it and can’t afford it without adding extra stress to their already stressful lives.
On another note. A beautiful card in the mail today postmarked from Sweden. It was sent by a Canadian friend over there on a three month visit. Within the card, I found memories to be added to my journal. Some words from the heart, stamps from Sweden, a cartoon, a favorite saying, some doodles with quotes, and a monetary gift! My cup is overflowing. I am truly filled with gratitude.
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