My daughter and her husband went out for a Valentine’s supper with some gift certificates they won at a Christmas party. The certificates were for this swanky joint up in Whitsler. Before ordering their meal they were given a wine menu to order from. The darn thing was thirty pages long! I said, “What? Thirty pages? How could you fill thirty pages of wine? Was the name of the wine at the top of page followed by a memoir of the wine’s journey through life or what?”
As if that’s not bad enough, here’s what else she said about the menu. The cheapest bottle of wine was priced at $50 a bottle and there was only three of those. The prices get this, ranged from $100 a bottle up to $4,500 a bottle! Have you ever heard of something so absolutely ridiculous! I couldn’t believe it and I’m still giving my head a shake about that one even though I have no reason to doubt her.
Who in their right mind would pay that kind of money for something you’ll consume within a half to one hour and piss down the drain sometimes within the next 12? Consume too much of it and one could end up hugging the porcelain bowl puking one’s guts out or foolishly getting behind the wheel and getting a DUI, or worse yet, killing someone. And now the price tag has gone from $4,500 to 450,000 because you’re being slapped with a law suit to boot.
Okay, so I’m not a drinker, never was, never will be and I hate the smell of wine, or any booze for that matter, and maybe I’m carrying this a little too far, but seriously, thousands of dollars for a bottle of wine? Is that a measure of self worth? A yard-stick for the depth of one’s bank account or just some dumb ass prestige status measure?
I’m done whining now.
If you want to know what happens with too much wine, watch this. It's in French but you'll get it even if you don't understand the language.
1 comment:
There should be a prize for posting an entry 3 days in a row.
You know that bottle of water you buy while travelling, that costs $1.79? Well, in a swanky hotel where the super-wealthy stay, that exact same bottle of water, same brand and all, will cost $11.99 when they take it out of the fridge.
My little old bungalow, moved to Kelowna, would suddenly be sold for a lot more than it would sell for here. You'd expect a multi-million dollar house to be really large and fancy, but a million-dollar house in Hollywood might actually be a pretty run-of-the-mill house.
It's all a matter of market, right?
I don't know if it's the same with wines ...
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