Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Solo Flight

I’m flying solo. That’s the way it’s going to be for the next 12 days or so. My partner flew out to the great white North this morning. Already I’m not doing so good in the eating department. Right now my stomach feels like a garbage bin that’s been sitting in the sun for too long and turning an odd shade of green.

I forget. Forget to thaw something out. Forget what time it is once I start writing or working on something. Forget that I can’t get from point A to point B without adding in some traveling time. Forget that putting something together is required in order to have an end result. Forget that my toast is in the toaster or that I turned the burner on to warm up the frying pan just before I decided to post a quick email. I forget that there’s no one to remind me that I forget.

Came back from the airport and wrote. Changed out of my jeans to my business attire and went to meet with a client. (How can a person have seen psychiatrists, psychologists, and doctors, been hospitalized twice for trying to take their life, have an arm full of scars from continually cutting themselves and not have dealt with the abuse they suffered as a child? It’s beyond me. Breaks my heart and infuriates me.)

From there I went straight to my writing date - with myself. One hour of writing at a downtown coffee shop. Then off to swim for an hour followed by a quick bite to eat. Run to the library to pick up a long awaited request (which I don’t know if I’ll have the time to read now). Back home for some computer/email work.

Then off I go downtown again to do a clean-up job before heading off to Lake Country Coffee House for an open mic night. Time continues to tick, it’s a 15-20 minute drive. There’s no time for supper. If I don’t get there on time there won’t be a seat to be had. I just make it. I order a tea and grab a puff-wheat square and munch that down needless to say, it doesn’t sit very well in my empty stomach.

Two hours later I get home and decide on some popcorn. Not the greatest idea. It's one I might have been better to save for a movie night – after a good meal rather than as a substitute for one. Maybe a hot bath before bed will help. Tomorrow’s a brand new day. I’ll make a fresh start.


Blondi Blathers said...

Popcorn sounds like a perfectly good supper, to me!

Unknown said...

Maybe you do need to come here to visit so you can have some better meals!