I’m fumbling and sifting my way through a mountain of journals pulling out what I think might be significant entries to use in a bigger piece of writing. I tell you. There are times when I give my head a shake. Do you have any idea the amount of words there are in 119 journals? A lot. More than you could shake a stick at. It’s insane.
Here’s what I’m doing. Reading, marking passages, bringing it to the computer and typing all the pieces I’ve marked that “could” potentially be of use somewhere down the line. That’s a lot of reading. That’s a lot of typing. That’s a lot of work.
I’m travelling the road less travelled, groping my way in the dark, not quite knowing what will come of all this, where it will lead me, how it will all come together. The road is dimly lit but I keep inching my way forward trusting that some sign posts will appear along the way.
Maybe the best road is the one less travelled, the one I make.

Good luck with that! I can just picture you sitting in the middle of a journal mountain! It'll all come together just as it's meant to.
Hm. I think you've just inspired me to count *my* journals, which only recently have been pulled out of an old trunk and stuff onto shelves for easier access.
I feel strong emotion in your words, shooting out like fireworks, in all directions.
I remember sensing this same feeling when you were going to school.
It's a normal reaction when we are reaching a long awaited goal we have dreamed about forever!
You can and will do this! It WILL happen! Savor this once in a lifetime journey for the rewards are many.......
Thanks Brenda, Katrinka (is that your real name?) and Barbara. I appreciate you dropping by and reading.
It's a journal mountain for sure Brenda. Maybe I should take a picture.
Kate, I'm curious, how many journals in the count?
Barbara, thanks for your vote of confidence too. I can certainly use a cheering squad while I'm going at this.
Very brave to go through those journals I think. And so many, phew,that's a huge undertaking. Good luck with that, I know the end result will be fantatic.
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