Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Is It Safe To Come Out Now?

My sister's dog - Gypsy
Phew...peace and quiet. It’s been a banging day around these parts. Pumpkin spent the first part of the day hiding in the closet and the rest of the time holding out under the bed. Can’t say I blame her.

I took off myself around midday and didn’t return until 5 pm but Andree, bless her heart, stayed and made sure the work was being done up to snuff. Tonight, we are pretty close to being the proud owners of a house with a brand new roof!

The guy started at 8 this morning and went until 8 tonight and he’s almost there. He got some help from his girlfriend for a bit this afternoon, then around 5 his brother came to help and it’s almost done. There’s only a little piece, a lower roof in the front, left to do and he’ll polish that off tomorrow morning.

The only thing remaining now will be to pay for the darn thing. I don’t like borrowing money but with this there was no choice, it had to be done. It was either, replace the shingles this year or wait until next year and replace not only the shingles but the underside too.

It was a hot day here today. I’m glad I wasn’t the one up there roasting like a chicken on top that roof. Not much shade to be had when a person’s working at the same level as the tree tops. It’s supposed to be just as hot or hotter tomorrow. Summer is officially here now – ya think?


Barbara said...

LOVE the "peek-a-boo" pup! Looks like B.Anne's "Happy" who I adore! Those little rag-a-muffin dogs seem to be all heart.
Congrats on the new roof. I am sure Pumpkin thought the sky was falling. Do not blame her for hiding.
It's always something when it comes to keeping a roof over our heads but unless we want to live in a tent, which by the way George tried once, we have "no choice."
This from someone who STILL has a gray tarp clinging over her front room. Not until hurricane season is over will I go there.......

Annette said...

Rag-a-muffin dogs - I like that. It sure fits them alright.

I hope you don't have any hurricanes this year Barbara. Thanks for visiting here.