Saturday, May 08, 2010

Tilley Hat and Me

What the heck am I still doing up at 1:30 in the morning when my intention is/was to get up at 6:30 am so I could get out of dodge by 7. My "to-do" list was way too long as usual. I always think I'm going to do twice as much in the time that it takes me to do half of it. It might have something to do with a 25 year old mind in a 58 year old body and one being way more ambitious than the other.

You may have noticed I've changed the name of my blog. I thought it would be better if my blog had a different name than my business website. So there you go, you're the first to get the "Inside Scoop."

Last Sunday was my first official; go out in nature and picnic day. There's absolutely nothing like a campfire and a creek to give wings to my spirit and lighten my soul. Yep, there you have it, yours truly hiding underneath that Tilley hat.

This Sunday I will be in Pemberton with my daughter Brenda. I'm leaving early tomorrow morning, if I ever get to bed that is. It's about a 6 hour journey to her place. I'm looking forward to the drive and to my visit with her and her hubby James. I'll finally get to see her "be Natural" store she opened about a year ago. It's about time! She hasn't got a website yet but you can visit or contact her on Facebook if you want some awesome products and sound advice.

1 comment:

Paula said...

Have a pleasant journey, Annette. Look forward to hearing about your travels upon your return. And I'm glad you don't have to stay in the quietness of Andree's absence for the whole of her time away.