Monday, May 10, 2010

A Pemberton Picture Trip

I'm heading back home early tomorrow morning. It's been a slice in paradise! Pemberton is a little town nestled between the mountains with a population of just over 2000 people. It is situated about 20 minutes North of Whistler, or 2.5 hours from Vancouver. It's a gem as far as little towns go - a beautiful place where I felt the tension and stress of city life slowly slip away and the gifts of nature replenish my soul. Plus the time with my daughter Brenda, son-in-law, James and their big moose, Clover, was pretty special.
The view from the cond0's balcony.
A hiking trail and board walk around 1 mile lake behind the condo. I'm the tall one!

Lilly pads and a duck on the lake.
The water is so clear you can see right down to the bottom.

A little reflection time.

These trees are for you Andree and Barbara.

A day picinic at Strawberry Point Wilderness Park

The life of Riley
A natural chair carved out of one of the logs that drifted to shore.

Clover fetching a stick while out on a swim.
A well deserved rest after an exhausting but wonderful day.


Blondi Blathers said...

You are so tall! And that's a Canada goose, you duck!

Jody said...

Looks like you had a great time Mom! Wish I was there too! Enjoy your drive back home.

P.S. The hat looks good!

Anonymous said...

There is nothing in the world I have found that has more power to touch a persons soul than Nature. Absolutely beautiful. I tear up when I see Nature in such splendor. Thank you for sharing Annette.

love always,
Phillis oxoxoxxoox

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the trees. I'm here looking at bushes. But those are real trees.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the fun visit mom! Come back soon so we can hike Nairn Falls!

Anonymous said...

Welcome home. Yes I would say those are very tall trees or you are a very short person! It must have felt like standing next to a giant. Spectacular!
As always "God's Country" never disappoints me. Thank you for sharing.

Annette said...

Thank you so much for dropping by everyone. It's awesome to read your comments and to see that you're on your toes too, Kate especially! I got home at 2:30 and it was a beautiful drive back through a different route. I even saw two bears on the way here!

Annette said...
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