We're not as high up as this fellow here so we're not in the snow at all down here at the resort but we just have to look up to see the beauty of those mountains all around. We had a good time yesterday just strolling around town, walking down by the river's edge and exploring around. Later we came up to the condo and had a wonderful supper in a place called the Rockford Grill. I totally pigged out on a huge serving of BBQ ribs which were finger lickin good. We ended the evening with a soak in the hot tub. Nothing better to end a day!
That little granddaughter of mine is a growing concern. She sure is a good baby. Almost 5 months old, wide awake, aware and as content as could be. Of course she's got her mom and dad's full undivided attention.
What a lovely treat for you. It just makes me smile thinking about the joy the little ones bring to us. Enjoy my friend.
love always,
Phillis xoxoxoxxoxo
That was a fast post! Wish I could have been there to soak in that tub with you guys. I'll pass on the ribs.
What a sweet baby!! She is adorable!
Mention of Revelstoke took me back to snowball fights in May and the company of three wonderful friends. Sigh ...
I have NO idea how I missed this one but certainly am glad to come across it.
Corys is BEAUTIFUL. How blessed to have her a part of your family.
Revelstoke.......now I remember, only because Paula mentioned the "snowball" fight.
"Time out with family" just about always restores our faith in mankind.
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